David Arnebeck: Glia High IQ Society
In 1964, Bruce Lee stood in front of hundreds of martial arts instructors, masters and competitors. He was explaining his views on the weaknesses of high kicking at the Ed Parker Long Beach International Karate Championships, and how low kicking was superior. Observing the crowd, Lee could see the expressions on their faces, as if they were thinking he did not know what he was talking about. At that point, Mr. Lee put down the microphone, and proceeded to demonstrate his mastery of high kicks by snapping out multiple high kicks in rapid fire succession. Now he had the crowd's attention and respect.
The point is simple. Sometimes people need you to meet their own criteria before they will be open to what you are trying to share.
For some people, intelligence is one such criteria, especially for leaders and teachers.
Regarding the value of high IQ, David Arnebeck is quick to point out that IQ generally is the minor aspect of an individual's character in regards to what determines success in life, compared to high self-discipline/motivation/commitment which is the greatest determinant of achievement. Whereas intelligence helps focus on optimal paths/goals in life, it is discipline and motivation that determine if an individual will actually have the power to travel those paths and achieve those goals.
The combination of wisdom (intelligence) and discipline (motivation & commitment) is where the true "magic" happens. Focusing on those two core life skills is what produces truly extraordinary results in life.
On February 19, 2001 David Arnebeck was tested by Robert Lato with confirmation and norming by Paul Cooijmans with IQ at 153 gaining entrance into the Glia High IQ Society (member #80). Glia's entrance requirement is at the 99.9 percentile.
For those familiar with high iq societies, Mensa International is known as the most popular with an entrance requirement at approximately IQ 130 (98th percentile). Average for general population in developed countries is approximately IQ 100.
David Arnebeck is the Founder of the modern Shinbudo system taught at the Warrior's Cove Martial Arts Centers. The focus of Shinbudo (Reality based Mixed Martial Arts) is to provide a self-emergent training environment where individuals develop into strong and intelligent warriors who can fight both their inner and outer battles to achieve personal goals and an optimal life. The Greatest Victory is to Conquer Oneself!
The point is simple. Sometimes people need you to meet their own criteria before they will be open to what you are trying to share.
For some people, intelligence is one such criteria, especially for leaders and teachers.
Regarding the value of high IQ, David Arnebeck is quick to point out that IQ generally is the minor aspect of an individual's character in regards to what determines success in life, compared to high self-discipline/motivation/commitment which is the greatest determinant of achievement. Whereas intelligence helps focus on optimal paths/goals in life, it is discipline and motivation that determine if an individual will actually have the power to travel those paths and achieve those goals.
The combination of wisdom (intelligence) and discipline (motivation & commitment) is where the true "magic" happens. Focusing on those two core life skills is what produces truly extraordinary results in life.
On February 19, 2001 David Arnebeck was tested by Robert Lato with confirmation and norming by Paul Cooijmans with IQ at 153 gaining entrance into the Glia High IQ Society (member #80). Glia's entrance requirement is at the 99.9 percentile.
For those familiar with high iq societies, Mensa International is known as the most popular with an entrance requirement at approximately IQ 130 (98th percentile). Average for general population in developed countries is approximately IQ 100.
David Arnebeck is the Founder of the modern Shinbudo system taught at the Warrior's Cove Martial Arts Centers. The focus of Shinbudo (Reality based Mixed Martial Arts) is to provide a self-emergent training environment where individuals develop into strong and intelligent warriors who can fight both their inner and outer battles to achieve personal goals and an optimal life. The Greatest Victory is to Conquer Oneself!
- "The society that separates scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools."
- Thucydides
David Arnebeck
For more information visit http://warriorscove.com/david-arnebeck/
Warrior's Cove Martial Arts & Fitness Centers
David Arnebeck is the Founder of the Warrior's Cove Gyms. For more information visit http://warriorscove.com/